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How to Download Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36 for Free

Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36: A Comprehensive Guide to the Powerful Dua

Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36 is a collection of prayers and supplications that are derived from the Holy Qur'an and authentic traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It was compiled by Mulla Ali Qari, a renowned Muslim theologian and scholar, who intended to provide a prayer-book for daily recitation and spiritual benefit.

Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36

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This article will explain what Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36 is, why it is important, how to download it for free, and how to recite it properly. By reading this article, you will learn more about this valuable dua and how it can help you in your life.

What is Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36?

Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36 is a dua book that contains 30 parts, each corresponding to a day of the month. Each part consists of several prayers that cover various topics and occasions, such as seeking forgiveness, protection, guidance, success, health, wealth, happiness, and more.

The prayers are based on the verses of the Qur'an and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which are the best sources of guidance and mercy for Muslims. The prayers are also arranged in a logical order, starting with praising Allah, then asking for His blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), then seeking refuge from evil, then making specific requests, and finally ending with salutations and peace.

The dua book was originally written in Arabic by Mulla Ali Qari, who was born in Herat, Afghanistan, in 1566 CE. He was a prolific writer and a master of hadith (the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad), as well as a jurist and a mystic. He traveled to Mecca and Medina for pilgrimage and study, and later settled in Istanbul, where he died in 1606 CE.

The dua book was later translated into Urdu by Nurul Huda Publications, and then into English by Sayed Aqeel Mohammed. The English translation is available online for free download in PDF format.

How to Recite Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36?

Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36 is a dua book that can be recited daily or occasionally, depending on one's preference and need. The book is divided into 30 parts, each corresponding to a day of the month. However, one can also recite any part or any prayer at any time, as long as one follows the etiquette of dua.

Some of the etiquette of dua are:

  • To have a sincere intention and a humble heart.

  • To face the Qiblah (the direction of the Ka'bah in Makkah) and raise one's hands.

  • To start with praising Allah and sending blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

  • To recite the prayers with conviction and devotion, and to repeat them three times or more.

  • To ask Allah for His mercy, forgiveness, and acceptance.

  • To end with saying Ameen (meaning: O Allah, accept our supplication).

One can also recite the prayers in any language that one understands, as long as one knows the meaning and the source of the prayers. The Arabic text and the English translation are available online for free download in PDF format.

Reciting Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36 is a great way to connect with Allah and to seek His help and blessings in every aspect of one's life. It is also a way to follow the Sunnah (the way) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who used to recite these prayers regularly.

The Benefits of Reciting Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36

Reciting Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36 is not only a way of worshipping Allah and following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), but also a way of attaining many benefits and blessings in this world and the hereafter. Some of the benefits of reciting this dua book are:

  • It helps to increase one's faith and trust in Allah, and to seek His help and guidance in all matters.

  • It helps to protect one from the evils of the self, the Shaytaan, and the enemies.

  • It helps to remove the difficulties and hardships that one faces in life.

  • It helps to grant one success and prosperity in one's endeavors and affairs.

  • It helps to cure one from physical and spiritual illnesses and diseases.

  • It helps to purify one's heart and soul from sins and faults.

  • It helps to bring happiness and peace to one's mind and heart.

  • It helps to increase one's love and respect for Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him).

  • It helps to earn the mercy, forgiveness, and acceptance of Allah.

  • It helps to prepare one for the Day of Judgment and the eternal life in Paradise.

These are some of the benefits of reciting Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36, which are based on the promises and glad tidings of Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) for those who supplicate to Him sincerely and regularly. Therefore, one should not neglect this great opportunity of drawing closer to Allah and attaining His favors by reciting this dua book as much as possible.

How to Download Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36?

Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36 is a dua book that is available online for free download in PDF format. There are several websites that offer this book for download, such as:

  • This website provides the Arabic text and the English translation of the dua book, divided into 30 parts. It also provides a PDF file of the original Urdu translation by Nurul Huda Publications.

  • This website provides the Arabic text and the English translation of the dua book, divided into 7 parts. It also provides a PDF file of the original Urdu translation by Nurul Huda Publications.

  • This website provides the Urdu translation of the dua book by Nurul Huda Publications.

To download the PDF file of the dua book, one can follow these steps:

  • Visit any of the above-mentioned websites and click on the link of the PDF file.

  • A new tab or window will open with the PDF file.

  • Click on the download button or icon on the top right corner of the screen.

  • Select a location on your device where you want to save the file and click on save.

  • The file will be downloaded and saved on your device.

Alternatively, one can also right-click on the link of the PDF file and select "save link as" or "save target as" and then choose a location on your device to save the file.

Downloading Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36 is a simple and easy process that can be done by anyone who has access to the internet and a device that can read PDF files. By downloading this dua book, one can benefit from its contents and recite it at any time and place.

The History of Mulla Ali Qari

Mulla Ali Qari was a renowned Muslim theologian, scholar, and author who lived in the 16th century CE. He was born in Herat, Afghanistan, in 1566 CE, and belonged to the Hanafi school of jurisprudence and the Maturidi school of theology. He was also a Sufi and a master of hadith (the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him).

He received his basic Islamic education in his hometown, and then traveled to Mecca and Medina for pilgrimage and study. He studied under many eminent scholars, such as Shaykh Ahmad ibn Hajar al-Haytami al-Makki, who was a Shafi'i jurist and a Sufi leader. He also met with other famous scholars of his time, such as Imam Suyuti and Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani.

He decided to settle in Mecca, where he taught and wrote many books on various Islamic sciences, such as Quranic commentary, hadith, fiqh (Islamic law), theology, language, history, and tasawwuf (Sufism). He was known for his eloquence, piety, and devotion. He was also a hafiz (memorizer of the Quran) and a famous calligrapher who wrote a Quran by hand every year.

He died in Mecca in 1606 CE (1014 AH) and was buried in Jannat al-Mu'alla, the cemetery where many companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are buried. He left behind a legacy of more than 300 books, some of which are still widely used and studied by Muslims today.

The Sources of the Prayers in Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36

Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36 is a dua book that contains prayers and supplications that are derived from the Holy Quran and authentic traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The prayers are based on the verses of the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which are the best sources of guidance and mercy for Muslims.

The author of the dua book, Mulla Ali Qari, was a reputed Muslim theologian and scholar who collected all the prayers that are contained in the Quran and the hadith and compiled them into a prayer-book for purposes of recitation. He arranged the prayers in a logical order, starting with praising Allah, then asking for His blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), then seeking refuge from evil, then making specific requests, and finally ending with salutations and peace.

The dua book is divided into 30 parts, each corresponding to a day of the month. Each part consists of several prayers that cover various topics and occasions, such as seeking forgiveness, protection, guidance, success, health, wealth, happiness, and more. The prayers are also suitable for different times of the day, such as morning, evening, night, before sleeping, after waking up, etc.

The sources of the prayers are mentioned in the dua book itself, either by citing the chapter and verse number of the Quran or by mentioning the name of the narrator of the hadith. The sources are also verified by reliable scholars and references, such as Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Quranic commentary), Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim (collections of authentic hadith), Sunan Abu Dawud and Sunan al-Tirmidhi (collections of hadith), etc.

The sources of the prayers in Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36 are trustworthy and authoritative, as they are based on the words of Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him). By reciting these prayers, one can benefit from their meanings and blessings, and follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who used to recite these prayers regularly.


Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36 is a valuable dua book that contains prayers and supplications that are derived from the Holy Quran and authentic traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It was compiled by Mulla Ali Qari, a renowned Muslim theologian and scholar, who intended to provide a prayer-book for daily recitation and spiritual benefit.

This article has explained what Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36 is, why it is important, how to download it for free, how to recite it properly, the benefits of reciting it, the history of Mulla Ali Qari, and the sources of the prayers. By reading this article, one can learn more about this dua book and how it can help one in one's life.

Reciting Al Hizbul Azammulla Ali Qari Pdf 36 is a great way to connect with Allah and to seek His help and blessings in every aspect of one's life. It is also a way to follow the Sunnah (the way) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who used to recite these prayers regularly. Therefore, one should not neglect this great opportunity of drawing closer to Allah and attaining His favors by reciting this dua book as much as possible. b99f773239!!LINK!!.md




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